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Vest Prime Investment is a global, multi-asset broker offering clients access to a nimble and powerful service for trading CFDs on Forex, Commodities, Indices, Shares.


The Firm, Vest Prime Investment Company, (hereinafter referred to as "The Manager"), on one hand, and the Principal (hereinafter referred to as "the Client"), acting solely and on his own behalf, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the agreement, the "Parties" and individually a "Party", have entered into the Client Investment Management Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") as follows:


1.1. The Client entrusts the Manager, for the duration specified in the Agreement, with the funds owned by the Client on the basis of ownership (hereinafter referred to as "Funds"), and the Manager agrees to manage the funds in the Client's best interests.

1.2. Funds under the Agreement are intended for investment in margin financial instruments with variable income. The Manager provides the Client with trustee services for investment and other asset management, engaging in trading currency pairs in the Forex market, buying and selling shares of US issuers and other securities as well as derivatives of these securities and contracts on stock indices.

1.3. The Client remains the beneficiary under the Agreement, and the transfer of funds in trust does not entail the transfer of ownership to the Manager.

1.4. As the Manager is a publicly traded company, it provides investment management services to private non-resident investors worldwide, establishing relationships, conducting communications, and acting in accordance with the instructions provided by clients themselves through a registered account on the Manager's website, offering services in the form of the Client Agreement.

1.5. This Agreement is accepted as a web document, and no signatures from the Parties are required. Registering a Client account through the Manager's website constitutes automatic acceptance by the Client of all the provisions of this Agreement, as well as the general terms and conditions published on the Manager's website, which are considered integral parts of the Agreement.

1.6. The Manager shall provide the Client with access to the website and other materials necessary for the account registration process on the Manager's website.

1.7. The Agreement shall become legally binding on the Parties upon the Client's first generation of a bill through their account and transfer of funds to the Manager in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement.


2.1. The Manager is obligated to act in good faith and in a manner that is in the best interests of the Client. The Manager has the sole discretion to determine the best method of fund management in terms of client interest.

2.2. The Manager provides the Client with services for the strategic allocation of funds (assets). The Client may utilize the Manager's services in forming an investment portfolio in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the investment strategies. The Manager's authority is effective from the moment this Agreement becomes effective. The Manager may manage the Client's funds independently, as well as through partner brokerage firms worldwide.

2.3. The Manager's investment strategy offers clients a selection of a wide range of pre-made investment portfolios with varying profitability and risk ratios. High-risk investment portfolios should be managed using an aggressive "Short" strategy, considering the potential for short-term growth or capital reduction. Medium-risk investment portfolios should be managed using a moderate "Medium" strategy, considering the potential for mid-term growth or capital reduction. Low-risk investment portfolios should be managed using a conservative "Long" strategy, considering the potential for long-term growth or capital reduction.

2.4. The Manager agrees to commence managing the Client's funds from the moment the Agreement is concluded and to provide a written report on fund management to the Client on a weekly basis through its website.

2.5. The Manager has the right to employ appropriate procedures to verify the compliance of documents uploaded by the Client. All documents uploaded by the Client for the aforementioned purposes should be clear and high-resolution. The Manager must have reasonable grounds for verifying the authenticity of any uploaded documents; otherwise, validation may be rejected pending correction of rejected documents by rescanning and uploading higher quality images of the Client's documents.


3.1. The Manager, as a service provider, is committed to fulfilling the Client's investment objectives based on the investment strategy selected by the Client. The Manager provides investment advisory services to the Client and performs trade transactions on behalf of the Client.

3.2. The Manager's investment strategy is intended to manage the Client's funds in such a way as to achieve the highest possible return in accordance with the investment objectives and risk tolerance specified by the Client. The Manager strives to maintain a balance between potential return and risk in the investment portfolio.

3.3. The Manager, when managing the Client's funds, follows the principle of diversification of investments to minimize risks and achieve a balanced investment portfolio. Diversification involves distributing investments across different financial instruments and markets to avoid excessive concentration of risk in a single asset or market.

3.4. The Client acknowledges that investment involves risk, including the risk of loss of capital. The Client accepts full responsibility for any losses incurred as a result of investing in the financial markets and agrees not to hold the Manager liable for any losses or damages.

3.5. The Manager is committed to providing the Client with regular reports on the performance of the investment portfolio and any changes made to the portfolio composition or investment strategy.


4.1. The investment strategy defines the principles and methods for managing the Client's funds in order to achieve the specified investment objectives and risk tolerance. The investment strategy is selected by the Client based on their investment goals and risk appetite.

4.2. The investment strategy may include various types of assets, such as equities, fixed-income securities, commodities, currencies, and alternative investments. The allocation of assets in the investment portfolio is based on the expected return and risk of each asset class.

4.3. The investment strategy may be adjusted over time based on changes in market conditions, economic outlook, and other relevant factors. The Manager may rebalance the investment portfolio periodically to maintain the desired asset allocation and risk profile.

4.4. The investment strategy is subject to change at the Manager's discretion, based on their assessment of market conditions and other relevant factors. The Manager may recommend changes to the investment strategy based on their analysis of the Client's investment objectives and risk tolerance.

4.5. The Manager may use various investment strategies, including long-term investing, short-term trading, and other active management techniques, to achieve the Client's investment objectives and risk tolerance.


5.1. The Client agrees to provide accurate and complete information to the Manager for the purpose of opening an account and managing their funds. The Client is responsible for ensuring that all information provided to the Manager is up to date and accurate at all times.

5.2. The Client acknowledges that the Manager's ability to provide investment management services depends on the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the Client. The Client agrees to promptly notify the Manager of any material changes to their financial situation, investment objectives, or risk tolerance.

5.3. The Client agrees to review all account statements, trade confirmations, and other communications from the Manager promptly and to notify the Manager of any discrepancies or errors.

5.4. The Client agrees to bear all costs associated with the account, including brokerage fees, commissions, and other expenses incurred in connection with the management of the Client's funds.

5.5. The Client acknowledges that the Manager may execute trades on behalf of the Client without prior consultation and agrees to abide by the Manager's investment decisions.


6.1. This Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by either party. The Client may terminate this Agreement at any time by providing written notice to the Manager. The Manager may also terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the Client.

6.2. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Manager shall cease providing investment management services, and the Client shall have the right to withdraw their funds from the account managed by the Manager. The Manager shall not be liable for any losses incurred by the Client as a result of the termination of this Agreement.

6.3. The Client may withdraw all or part of their funds from the account managed by the Manager at any time, subject to any applicable fees or penalties. The Manager shall process withdrawal requests promptly upon receipt.

6.4. Any provisions of this Agreement that, by their nature, extend beyond the termination of this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement.


7.1. This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by both parties.

7.2. Any amendments or modifications to this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties upon execution of the written instrument.

7.3. No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both parties.

7.4. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


8.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of law principles.

8.2. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity, or termination, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].

8.3. The parties hereby irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction] and waive any objection to proceedings in such courts on the grounds of venue or on the grounds that the proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum.

8.4. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns.